• What is this website, exactly?

    Enterprise Grade is a collection of case studies and opinion pieces about complex IT problems. This is a free resource with no further agenda.

  • So you're not selling anything?

    Not at the moment.

  • What about ads?

    No ads, no Google analytics. We may at some point in the future provide a more interactive experience to readers, which will require cookies, but we're not there yet.

  • Who are you?

    We're members of a boutique consulting firm that specializes in solving thorny IT problems. We're mostly active in the corporate world but we sometimes venture in the startup or SMB spheres.

  • Can I hire you?

    We're usually fully booked for a year or two in advance, but feel free to drop us a line if you're in a tough spot.

  • Are the customers in the case studies real?

    Yes. They will remain anonymous but they do exist, and while simplified, the case studies are real.

  • Some of the solutions you mention are not best practices. Aren't you ashamed?

    We do not trade in best practices, we trade in right practices. Our policy is to build sustainable solutions that will work in a specific context, not to blindly follow principles edicted by someone who doesn't skin in the game.
    Besides, customers who have the luxury of implementing best practices don't usually come to us. We come later, when things haven't gone according to plan.


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